Category: Blog
Deforestation at Home
Reusable Shipping Crates
When people start to talk about logging or deforestation, their mind will usually point toward an image of the world’s rainforests being devastated. Not many people consider what toll logging or developing forest lands takes here in the United States. As far as the danger of losing our forests here in America, it is almost the opposite of what the rest of the world faces. As of 2011 the world loses about 8.5 million hectares of tropical rainforests each year. However, the United States has experienced a 39% increase of standing timber in the last 5 decades. Forests in the United States aren’t threatened by deforestation from logging or land development; instead many are overcrowded and neglected.
Charge a Deposit to Go Green
Reusable Shipping Crates
Many of us remember the days of returning the glass Coca Cola bottles for the deposit we paid on the front end. Getting a reusable shipping crate back can work the same. The one big difference is that your reusable crates and packing materials are worth more than just a few cents. Verbally tell your customers that you are moving on from a disposable system to a more environmentally friendly, reusable system. Let them know that they will be charged for the crate on their invoice, and upon returning it; they will be credited for the reusable shipping crate. These charges need to be clear on the invoice, with its own separate line item. Everybody is feeling the push to use sustainable products. Few will argue with a company that is honestly trying to do its part.
Your customers will appreciate your efforts, and will work with you to get that packaging back. No president or CEO is going to raise a ruckus about saving money on disposal costs, either!

Why Reusable Crates?
Reusable Shipping Crates
There has been a huge push on all companies to be “green”, sustainable, environmentally conscious, responsible, or just plain smart! We as individuals have been rethinking our behavior, and our actions, and what impact they have on our world, our children’s world, our grandchildren’s world, and beyond. It is no longer acceptable for any of us to turn the other cheek when it comes to the importance of being good stewards of our environment!
By Charge a Deposit to Go Green »
By Reusable Shipping Crates | Deforestation at Home
By Reusable Shipping Crates | Deforestation at Home